Thomas Peters, a former slave from Nigeria, is one of the most notable Black pioneers in New Brunswick. His journey..
Tag: Diversity

Black History Fact: Arrival of Black Loyalists
Did you know that… Black Loyalists arrived in New Brunswick in 1783, marking an important chapter in our province’s history…

Black History Spotlight: Mary Matilda Winslow (1867-1941)
Learn about Mary Matilda Winslow, a pioneer whose legacy continues to inspire generations. Join us as we explore the remarkable..

The NBPCPAD present at the Third Session of the Permanent Forum on African Descent
Moncton, Tuesday, April 16, 2024 – The third session of the Permanent Forum on People of African Descent has commenced..

Canada celebrate National Truth and Reconciliation Day
English will follow👇🏾Aujourd’hui, nous nous joignons à tout le Canada pour célébrer la Journée nationale de la vérité et de..

International Day of African’s Descent
English will follow 🗓️ En cette Journée des Personnes d’Ascendance Africaine, célébrons ensemble la richesse et la diversité que la..

Le Canada célèbre la Journée de l’émancipation
English will follow 🗓️ En cette journée de l’émancipation, nous célébrons le courage de nos ancêtres africains qui ont lutté..