

Join Us Today in The Council To Achieve Our Goals

We welcome you to our association, dedicated to promoting the ideals set forth in UN Resolution 68/237 and fostering a sense of community among individuals of African descent. Our mission is rooted in the principles of equality, justice, and recognition of the historical and ongoing contributions of the African diaspora to the global tapestry. By becoming a member, you join a vibrant network of individuals committed to advancing the rights and opportunities of people of African descent around the world.


As a member, you play a crucial role in supporting the implementation of UN Resolution 68/237, which calls upon member states to recognize the International Decade for People of African Descent and take concrete measures to combat discrimination, promote inclusion, and celebrate the rich cultural heritage of African communities. Your membership ensures that our association continues to be a powerful advocate for social justice, racial equality, and the recognition of the unique experiences and challenges faced by individuals of African descent. Together, we work to create a more equitable world where all people, regardless of their heritage, can thrive and contribute to the betterment of society. Join us in this meaningful journey, and let’s make a lasting impact together.

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